When you supply critical machine parts, nothing should be left to chance. After all, quality is essential to ensure clients’ business operations. Strict quality control is part of this. And we don’t just carry out the quality control at the very last moment when the products leave our factory, but it already starts at the very beginning of the production process. With advanced equipment. How? You can read about it here!

The moment the materials come into our factory, the first steps in quality control are taken. All materials undergo a strict inspection. Among other things, we check the dimensions, chemical composition and delivery condition of the steel. We also test the mechanical and physical properties such as tensile strength and hardness.

The right materials

Advanced equipment such as optical emission spectrometers and X-ray analyzers play a crucial role here. These tools allow us to perform detailed spectral analysis, which is essential to verify that the material matches what was ordered and required. This ensures that we start the production process with the right materials.

Continuous manufacturing quality controls

The production employees are personally responsible for their part, and thus the quality of the work. That’s why they have at their workspace measuring instruments such as level tables, calipers and roughness measuring equipment. These instruments are used to continuously check for flatness, geometry and other critical parameters throughout the production process. This ensures that each product meets the strict requirements set forth in the engineering drawings.

Automated processes and sample checks

Many of our machines are equipped with automated systems that help save time and reduce human errors. During and after manufacturing, our measuring room performs sample or complete checks to ensure that even the smallest tolerances are accurately maintained. These tests are essential because some tolerances can only be assessed with specialized measuring machines.

Packaging and customer focus

Quality control does not end after manufacturing; packaging also plays a crucial role. Our engineering department closely with the logistics team to ensure that each product is packaged in a way that not only protects, but is also tailored to the customer’s specific needs.

Additional services and customer confidence

Most of our customers like to receive a measurement report with the products they have ordered. No problem! This way, customers know that the products are made exactly according to their requirements and also meet any international quality standards that are set.

By observing strict quality control in all parts of the manufacturing process, we guarantee the very best quality. To measure is to know!

Would you like to know more about the products we supply and what benefits this will bring you? Feel free to contact one of our specialists.